
Sunday, May 15, 2011

The reason for this blog

In an effort to protect my family, I am starting a new blog, one that will not use our real names or photos that can be used to identify us. It saddens me to have to do this, but due to a real life stalker I have to. My family comes first.


I am starting this blog as I tie up some lose ends on my old blog on the business side of things.

Having someone watch you is...creepy. It's very unsettling. You are always paranoid, always looking over your shoulder, always afraid someone is watching...following..invading your privacy. Basically, it sucks.

I feel like a prisoner in my own home. My. Own. Home. I feel like it's not even mine anymore. And it makes me angry. Very angry.

I feel out of control. Like my stalker is running my life. And, to stay inside the law, I am powerless to stop it. It's like being on a runaway train, speeding down the tracks, headed for a train wreck, you know how it will end, you know it won't be pretty, but you can't stop it.

I fear everything now. I won't allow my own children to play in our own yard. I dont' live in a 'bad neighborhood'. I live out in the country on a little dirt road where everyone knows everyone and has for their whole lives. I was so excited when we bought our home. It's a modest, triple wide mobile home. It's nothing fancy, but we have made a very nice home here to raise our boys in. And these horrible people have taken that from us.

I no longer trust anyone. In a small town, you can't. Everyone knows everyone else. If you don't want the whole town to know, you don't say anything to anybody.

I have deleted all of my facebook friends, only family and a handful of friends from high school remain on my 'friends' list. I will be deleting my blog soon, the blog I have poured my heart and soul into. My beautiful, self-hosted WordPress blog that has many months hosting already paid for, many followers, great numbers that I worked hard to get to, 500+ twitter followers.....all must be wlaked away from in an effort to protect my family.

I don't even want to mention the ugliness that is festering in my heart toward these people who have taken my home from me. Who have taken a yard to run and play in from my sons. Who have taken sleep from my nights. Who have taken that feeling of security that should envelop a child as they are in their own home. Who  have taken so much that I feel is so important and that my husband and I have worked so hard to build and provide for our children.

I am struggling with whether to just ride it out with my mouth shut and let all their veiled threats roll off like water down a ducks back....or whether to fight fire with fire and call the cops to report each little incident. Weather to keep my kids inside and safe-and take them to the playground in the park to play, or weather to 'risk it' and let them play in their own yard, because it is OUR YARD!

I want to blog and post lots of pictures and videos of my beautiful sons. I want to share my trials and triumphs with my readers. I want to connect with other moms like me. But for now, I must use made up nicknames, public domain photos, and write generic posts that they can't use to identify us with to get a further glimpse into our lives than they already have living right next door and watching us constantly.

I'm really not sure what else to say....


  1. Thanks for the follow on Twitter! Let me say, "fight fire with fire!" Don't let these people win, you have a right to share your trials & tribulations with the world if you choose to without having to worry or fear for your family's safety. Don't let them get the best of you...I would stick to my guns & do whatever is necessary to show them I wasn't playing no game & that I had the upper hand!


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